2024年6月最新動漫收藏品推薦:預訂劇場版『賽馬娘 Pretty Derby 新時代的門』曼城茶座立牌

Recommendations for the latest anime collectibles in June 2024: Pre-order the theatrical version of "Jockey Girl Pretty Derby: The Gate of the New Era" Manchester City Tea House Standing Sign

As the summer heat sets in, anime fans have even more reasons to stay indoors and enjoy the latest collections. This month, ANIHK Hong Kong animation information and model store brings you a pre-order product that cannot be missed - the Manchester City teahouse stand from the theatrical version of "Jockey Girl Pretty Derby: The Gate of the New Era".

**📝Product Features**

This stand is made by the well-known brand ペンギンパレード, with a height of about 150mm. It is made of acrylic material, with delicate texture and bright colors. The design of the stand is exquisite, depicting the charm and elegance of Manchester City Tea House. It is a collectible for every "Pretty Derby" fan.

The stand comes with a base, making it easy to display on desks, windows, or any corner where you want to add a touch of anime style. Its unique shape and distinctive print make it the centerpiece of any occasion.

**🎉Collection and Display**

Whether you're a die-hard Jockey Girl fan or looking for a special anime decoration, this stand is ideal. Not only does it serve as decoration, but it's also a way to show your love for the collection. Plus, it makes a special gift for friends or family members who also love anime.

**📅Booking Information**

This standing sign is expected to be released in July 2024, and ANIHK is currently open for pre-order. Since this is a limited-edition product, fans are advised to book as soon as possible to avoid missing out.

The theatrical version of "Jockey Girl Pretty Derby: The Gate of the New Era" Manchester City Teahouse stand is undoubtedly the highlight of this month's anime collection market. Not only does it add to the diversity of the collection, it also provides visual and emotional satisfaction. Visit the ANIHK website now to reserve your exclusive stand and get ready for a summer full of anime charm!

Product link: https://anihk.com/products/9503090966843
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