Kamielabi GOD.app 的第 13 集 (第 2 季,完整版,第 1 集):故事大綱、預先剪輯和預覽 PV!

Episode 13 of Kamielabi GOD.app (Season 2, Complete, Episode 1): Synopsis, pre-cut and preview PV!

The long-awaited second season of "Kamielabi GOD.app" will finally return on October 2, 2024 (Wednesday)! If you can't wait to find out what's going to happen in the first episode of Season 2 (i.e. Episode 13), then you're in luck, because the synopsis, pre-cut and preview PV have all been released!

Remember that battle between Keogh and Goro? Twelve years have passed, and those past events are now known as the "828 Incident."
Goro has disappeared, and people have gradually forgotten about him.
However, one day, a girl named Eco decided to look for "the god she saw in her dream" in order to freely study these events, so she came to the site of the 828 incident, which was blocked just like that year.

On her way home, she suddenly saw a sign about God.
This brand aroused her curiosity. What will she find next? This will be revealed in season two.

In addition to the plot, we can also expect to see the return of many of our favorite characters, along with their classic dialogue! The best thing is that you can also make these characters and dialogues into interesting stamps to use in your daily life, making your life full of anime color.
Just click here to view the sales page to find the stamps you want.

Kamielabi GOD.app Season 2 is ready, are you ready for it? Let us look forward to its arrival together!

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